Cookie Policy

Welcome to the website of Broccoli B.V., Julianaplein 8, 5211BC ‘s-Hertogenbosch, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 85620793 (hereinafter to be referred to as: "Broccoli" or "we" or "us"). This policy applies to This policy explains further what cookies are and why, how and which cookies we use.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on the hard disk of your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit the website. The main function of cookies is to distinguish one user from another and to recognise the user when they visit the website again. Cookies can be beneficial to you as a user. For example, the use of cookies allows your login data to be remembered.

The use of cookies is safe. No viruses or spam are spread through cookies. In addition, e-mail and telemarketing campaigns are not the result of cookies.

Duration of cookies

The duration of cookies differs per type. Some cookies - called session cookies - are deleted as soon as the browser is closed, and others - called permanent cookies - (e.g. for storing login data) can be stored for longer if they are not deleted.

Types of cookies and purposes

There are different types of cookies. The purpose of the cookies differs per type. The different types of cookies used by Broccoli and their purposes are shown below.

Functional cookies

Broccoli makes use of functional cookies, amongst others. These cookies can be used to improve (the use of) the Broccoli website. Amongst other things, we use the functional cookies for:

  • remembering the information you enter on the various pages, so that you do not have to enter all your data again each time;
  • passing information from one page to the next, for example during the investment process;
  • storing preferences, such as language, location, etc;
  • reading your browser settings to optimise the display of our website on your screen;
  • even loading of the website, ensuring that the site remains accessible;
  • offering the option of saving login details so that you do not have to enter them afresh every time;
  • measuring the effectiveness of referrals from partner websites (affiliate marketing);
  • showing Vimeo and YouTube videos on the website.

Analytical cookies

Broccoli also makes use of analytical cookies. These are cookies that allow us to measure the use of the website. In order to determine which parts of the website are most interesting to our visitors and to be able to measure marketing activities, we analyse anonymised data with the help of Google Analytics. The information we collect with the aid of cookies is used to compile statistics. These statistics give us an insight into how often our web pages are visited, where visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly and optimised as possible. The statistics and other reports cannot be traced back to individuals.

Amongst other things, we use the analytical cookies for:

  • tracking the number of visitors to our web pages;
  • keeping track of the time each visitor spends on our web pages, visitors are not uniquely identified;
  • what visitors are looking for (searches);
  • tracking information about your browser and device used to visit our website, such as operating system and screen size;
  • determining the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of our website;
  • offering the option of saving login details so that you do not have to enter them afresh every time;
  • assessing which parts of our site require modification;
  • maintaining e-commerce;
  • optimising the website (a/b testing of content).

Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies make it possible to show relevant and personalised offers through various channels, such as third party websites and social media. In addition, advertising cookies make it possible to show advertisements to website visitors from (certain pages) on and on other websites. For example via/on Google Ads, Facebook and LinkedIn. This is also called remarketing. We can also keep track of which advertisements you have already seen in order to prevent you from seeing the same advertisement over and over again. We can also use advertising cookies to keep track of how many visitors purchase a service from us after clicking on an advertisement. This allows us to analyse how effective our advertising is.

For the cookies that the (social) media networks place and the possible data that they collect with them, we would also refer to the statements that these parties provide on their own websites about this; please note that these statements can change regularly. Broccoli has no influence on this.







Deleting and blocking cookies

You can instruct your browser to accept all cookies, to block them or to alert you when a cookie is offered. You can easily change your cookie settings at any time via your browser settings. You can find out how to do this in the instructions for your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) or by adjusting your preferences via Your Online Choices. For example, the Internet Explorer program offers the option of using the Internet ‘in private’, which means that no cookies or other data are stored.

Some tracking cookies are placed by third parties who display advertisements to you through our website, amongst other things. You can also delete these cookies centrally via Your Online Choices so that they are not placed again on a third party website.

This cookie policy is subject to change

Our cookie policy may be expanded or amended in the future. All changes will be published on our website.

Any questions?

If you have any questions as a result of this policy, you can contact Broccoli by e-mail at We will inform you about the handling of your question within one month after receipt.

You can change your cookie settings at any time. Please note that if you have previously agreed to the use of cookies and wish to undo this, you must delete the previously placed cookies yourself. This can be done in your browser’s settings.

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